“Strange Brew” was first broadcast on Cuillin FM (later Radio Skye) from Portree on that fine island, nearly 10 years ago. Steve Clarke’s ambition for the programme has always been to create as genre-free a programme as possible, reflecting his affection for music of all sorts from traditional music on a global scale to the heavily-electric and psychedelic sounds of the 60s, all the way through to the best of 21st century musicians.
We try to give a voice to independent-minded singer-songwriters, hoping to introduce their work to a wider audience. We look for articulate, literate, thoughtful, intelligent and thought-provoking words and tunes. We also look for fun.
Scottish music, old and new, features widely in the Brew. The “Brew” is not a folk programme, although it has its base firmly in that region of the musical universe.
Steve is a Wimbledonian by birth but lived and worked in several parts of England before migrating to Scotland nearly 18 years ago.